Move & Flow by Nadia Tapia
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About me
My name is Nadia Tapia.
I am a lawyer by training and started to work full time with Argentine Tango teaching and dancing in 2019. From 2021, I also work as a GYROKINESIS® method trainer.
For a while, I developed my movement journey in parallel to my work as an academic, but after submitting my doctoral thesis in International Law at the University of Helsinki, in January 2020, I decided to continue as a full time Argentine instructor and dancer and Gyrokinesis method trainer.
Coming from a completely different background and without a childhood experience of dance-related hobbies. I began to explore different movement practices as a way to complement my tango dancing skills. This way, I started by practicing yoga and pilates and enjoyed its benefits to my well-being and body.
This is how I eventually came to know the Gyrokinesis method. Soon after starting a regular practice, I started to feel its immense benefits and to experiment a clear improvement on body awareness and control. I began to increase flexibility and was left with a deep sense of well-being after every practice. So I decided to start a path to become an instructor.
I have been amazed of how the method can bring different benefits to all kinds of people, from active sporty people, to dancers, to less active people who spend long hours in static positions. My students have reported increase on their flexibility, well-being, getting rid of back pain, among other important benefits.